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Winter Solstice Ritual

The Winter Solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. After Winter Solstice, days will become lighter and longer as we head towards the brighter days of spring and summer.

We invite you to pull inward and ritualize Winter Solstice with a few simple tools you likely have strewn about your home. You will need:

-A white pillar candle (for new beginnings and fresh starts)

-A notebook or piece of paper

-A blue-ink pen

-Dark chocolate and mulled red wine or hot herbal tea

THE RITUAL: On the evening of Winter Solstice, find space in a quiet and dimly lit room with your unlit candle placed in front of you. Take some time to close your eyes and look inward. Take cleansing breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Once you feel grounded, open your eyes and write down your responses to the following reflection questions:

How do you feel sitting in the liminal, dark in-between energy of Winter Solstice? Is it unknown, comfortable, heavy, filled with possibility? Name the feelings in your mind, body, and heart.

What does the return to the light represent to your personally? What emotions does it invoke? What ideas does it spark?

What are you inspired to share with the world in this upcoming cycle? What has been whispering from your heart that you are ready to listen to?

After answering these questions, intentionally light your pillar candle with your intention for the coming cycle of new light. Allow the candle to burn all night long, don't snuff it out. Blowing out the candle is similar to extinguishing your intention. Finish by enjoying your dark chocolate and mulled wine/herbal tea. Ease into the dark of the night knowing morning holds a brand new cycle. <3

This little ritual is adapted and inspired by my one of my dearest herbalism teachers, Tonja Reichley. I highly recommend her book Wild Irish Roots as a guidebook through the seasons. 

We hope you take the time to relax, reflect, and enjoy the festivities. However you choose to celebrate, we wish you the best this holiday season.